Léa Le 20 May 2022

Feedback: building a product catalog for a PIM/MDM

How to combine MDM/PIM and data normalization tools to create a product catalog.

Context: heterogeneous data, multiple sources

Boticinal is a group of French pharmacies. The company offers health, beauty and well-being products.

Boticinal faces two issues. The first is the multiplicity of its sources. Indeed, each pharmacy uses an independent information system. In addition, each pharmacy operates with its own product listing system.

Boticinal did not want to put any constraints on the pharmacies in its network, the company wanted to find a solution to structure its data and therefore build a common catalog.

As Cédric Lecourt, CIO at Boticinal, explained in our May 12 webinar: “Referring products is not the job of a pharmacist, who must focus on advising customers. This constraint means that our data is scattered, of low quality and heterogeneous. However, our goal is to create value with this data, particularly in an e-commerce context. Creating the product catalog is the first step to creating the digital catalog.”

Objective: create a product catalog

Boticinal’s objective is to create a product catalog from its heterogeneous data. This unique central catalog is built in collaboration with its MDM/PIM*, MaPS System.

Kévin Corte, CCO at MaPS System, who also attended our webinar, says it best: “There is an important question for our customers, that of the cost of the life of a product sheet. Today, a single piece of data is used by a whole ecosystem of distribution channels and software. Standardizing it simply means going faster.”

In concrete terms, this is what it looks like.

Structuration de données : l'apport d'un MDM/PIM
Normaliser des données pour simplifier l'action d'un MDM/PIM

A test & learn approach

As a result of the joint work of MaPS System and YZR, Boticinal was able to :

  • Set up its PIM as the company wished, i.e. without constraining the pharmacies in its network;
  • Initialize the construction of a product catalog;
  • Initialize the enrichment of the data model.

The approach chosen by Boticinal is that of test & learn: the company begins by standardizing the data from three brands, then after an evaluation phase, will generalize the project to all the brands it markets.

To know all the details of this project, we invite you to consult the replay of our webinar by clicking here.

Notes :
*Master Data Management
*Product Information Management

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