Léa Le 31 May 2022

YZR Nominated as a Top Cloud Data Services Company by Data Magazine

Data Magazine, a British media, aims to promote the best businesses and innovations globally. YZR, as a useful AI tool to help companies during cloud migrations, is featured in its last review of France’s 101 Most Innovative Cloud Data Services Startups & Companies.

Data Magazine - Cloud Data Services Start-ups

YZR: among the most innovative Data Services in France

Data Magazine’s last article showcases its top picks for the best France based Cloud Data Services companies. These were the selection criteria.

  • Innovative ideas
  • Innovative route to market
  • Innovative product
  • Exceptional growth
  • Exceptional growth strategy
  • Management
  • Societal impact

How to use data normalisation in a cloud approach?

YZR can be used to prepare a high volume of data before any migration to the cloud, in particular to :

  • clean up files before export,
  • eliminate duplicates,
  • automatise classification,
  • creating repositories (standardisation),
  • merge data sets whatever their original taxonomy.

Normalising data is a go-to cloud booster. In simple terms, it is like sorting out all the items in your home and putting them in the right boxes before moving them to your next flat.

Not normalizing then is more like putting everything in the truck, and seeing what’s what once you have moved into your new place: time-consuming and highly ineffective.

Using software and API like YZR helps you accelerate processes: preparation work that humans did is done by an AI, saving time and increasing productivity.

Once the data is on the cloud, you can still improve classification and try your best to have a “no data lost in the cloud” approach, almost impossible without artificial intelligence. This means, labelling and sorting out regularly.

Obviously, it is not just about data cleaning (but we sure know how important it is). Once the data is known and classified in the right place, you will be able to exploit it and bring out business opportunities.

To learn more about YZR and how it can accompany your business towards cloud migrations, do not hesitate to ask for a demo.

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